Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Come to Our Garage/Estate Sale!

What: Garage/Estate Sale

Thursday 1-6
Friday 8-4
Saturday 8-4

Where: 2114 Greenbriar Cir, Ames...near the ISU stadium

Who: Everyone!

When we moved into our new house we automatically inherited A LOT of stuff that was left in the attic, basement, garage, workshop, etc. So we hired someone to do an estate sale for us. They organize, display, price, and run the sale. We have something for everyone. Antiques, tools, furniture, antique frames, kitchen stuff, gardening tools...and much more! Hope to see you at the sale! Below is a sneak preview! :)


Pepper Blossom said...

wow! that lady left an enormous amounts of stuff? anything cool that i might want to purchase from afar? love ya

Anonymous said...

Save me the rainbow thermometer!! I'm coming!!

The Massons said...

holy moly! that's a lot of stuff! no wonder you hired someone to do an estate sale. but who knew there were people who did that as a job . . . God bless them . . .

the crawfords said...

SO tempting! but you know i have so much STUFF already!
is there still a lot of sewing stuff?

Philly said...

can't believe they left all that stuff. i hope it doesn't turn into a burden and rather you get a ton of money cash (as brandon would say)!

Farmgirl Chaos said...

So, I know it's a few weeks late....but do you still have 'stuff' you are trying to get rid of? If so, could I stop by sometime and check it out?