Sunday, March 21, 2010

Brenna Loves Her Baby Lauren

A question I've been asked a lot since having Lauren is, "How is Brenna doing with the new baby?" Brenna loves her "baby wuaren", as Brenna would say.....she has a hard time saying her "l's" :) She is always giving her hugs and kisses and loves to hold her...
take pictures with her...
lay with her under her playmat....
read to her...
take baths with her...

She also likes to talk to her and sing to her when Lauren is in her bouncy seat. It's a blessing that she loves her sister so much, but I have to keep an eye on Brenna constantly so she doesn't smother her! :) She doesn't realize when she's leaning on her too much or bouncing the seat too high, etc. That's actually been one of the harder things for me to deal with the past few months. But I try to remember that it's only for a season and that I should be thankful that they love each other so much already. Brenna is able to get Lauren smiling the easiest. It's fun to see thier sisterly bond already.


Caitlin said...

That is so cute! I think Ki is going to be like that. He loves to hold babies. She's going to have to be watched like a hawk!

Nate and Natalie said...

I LOVE the picture of Brenna reading to Lauren!